Find a quiet space, kick back, and let the emotions flow!
Once in a while, you can really benefit from taking the opportunity to let it all out—open those lungs and tear ducts and cry until the cows come home. There is even scientific research supporting the therapeutic properties to crying. In 2015, the Huffington Post reported on a study that showed, “while shedding a few tears leads to a dip in mood immediately after the crying jag, about 90 minutes later people report feeling even better than they did before they had reason to cry.”
There have been many-a-times that I’ve been a ticking-time-bomb of emotions. I’m functional, but I am hurting and struggling. Then, I’ll be in the car (the safest, most amazing place to cry and scream) and it’s as if someone set off the bomb. A certain song will trigger the waterworks, and as the research notes, I do end up feeling better after!
The problem lies in the fact that you cannot always control when that bomb is going to go off. What if you’re at work, the grocery store, or on a date? Yikes!
Allowing yourself the time to cry and release those emotions can do the body, and mind, a lot of good. And what helps you connect better with your emotions than music? For your listening and crying pleasure, I put together a Spotify playlist of songs for you to get your cry on!

Over You– Miranda Lambert flawlessly sings a song co-written by her then-husband Blake Shelton about the tragic loss of his brother in a car accident when he was younger. The detail in the song, such as hating the season and inheriting his things, gives this song a strong authenticity.
Someone You Loved– Who doesn’t love a good piano ballad? Lewis Capaldi absolutely nails this one. The gentle strokes of the keys mixed with the palpable angst projected from his vocal chords makes this a perfect cocktail of emotion.
when the party’s over– I can’t say that I really understand the lyrics, but this song could literally be about a cheese sandwich for all I care. The haunting vocals of Billie Eilish hit the deepest parts of your soul.
You Are The Reason– There is a sense of deep, deep longing that comes with this song by Calum Scott. For those that have felt the painful yearning of missing a loved one, it will hit the spot. “If I could turn back the clock, I’d make sure the light faded the dark, and spend every hour of the day keeping you safe.” Ugh.
Photograph– The first time I heard this song after my dad passed away was actually AT the Ed Sheeran concert. There I stood, tears pouring down my face, among a sea of 13 year old girls. Sheeran brilliantly projects his emotions into the song about holding on to photographs as the only memories left of a person who is gone.
Don’t You Worry Child– You’ve probably heard this in a club by the Swedish House Mafia, but this Charming Horses Remix by Beth brings a whole different tune. The angelic vocals singing, “My father said, don’t you worry child, ‘cause heaven’s got a plan for you” sounds as if it’s a message coming directly from heaven. You’re left to feel like this pain will be worth it, you just don’t quite know when or why…
Lost Boy– The combination of feeling lost and craving a simpler time like your childhood and watching Peter Pan makes this song perfect to cradle your emotions.
Human– For the days you try and try and try and just can’t seem to keep your sh*t together. You are only human, babe. Let it out to Christina Perri’s strong vocals.
I Fall Apart– I mean… self explanatory, no? Fall apart, down to the core— or to the floor— to this ballad by Post Malone. This is an “on repeat” hit for the days you’re feeling it, for sure.
You Said You’d Grow Old With Me– The song starts with “I’d like to say I’m okay, but I’m not,” and continues with so many lyrics that depict a hurting heart after losing a loved one. “You’ve got your peace now, but what about me?” “I thought we had the time, had our lives, but now you’ll never get older. Didn’t say goodbye, but now I’m frozen in time getting colder.” Feeling THAT.
Dancing On My Own– Calum Scott makes the list again with this remake of a song by Robyn. While about a breakup, not a death, the song struck a chord with me about continuing this life on my own, no longer dancing through it with my dad. “Still far away, but still so near.”
So go head! Cry it out. Have any songs that help you release your emotions, remind your of your loved ones, helped you through a tough time? Let me know in the comments!