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By Gianna


Episode 57: Widowed at Age 30, Feeling Lonely, and Seeking Support on Grief

Episode 57: Widowed at Age 30, Feeling Lonely, and Seeking Support on Grief

We often talk about how critical it is to have support when it comes to grief yet support and asking for help is still often stigmatized in our society. When Candyce Ossefort-Russell experienced the sudden loss of her husband at the age of 30, she decided to become the therapist that she once needed. As an LPC-S, Candyce offers insights about grief, being a widow, and other painful emotions from a unique blend of personal and professional experience. She has extensively explored psychological, spiritual, and scientific perspectives of suffering and transformation for 30 years and pairs her knowledge with being a writer, trainer, and speaker.

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Not May 22nd, 2017

Not May 22nd, 2017

It is not lost on me that I have yet to publish a blog detailing May 22nd, 2017. That became a harder task than I had anticipated. I couldn’t bring myself to do it on the anniversary a few weeks ago like I had planned. Instead, I spent the day moving in slow motion,...

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The Final Rounds. May 21st, 2017

The Final Rounds. May 21st, 2017

Logic vs. Emotion: a match-up you will hear me speak about many times. I know, logically, there is no direct correlation between my actions that week and my dad’s survival. But, emotionally, you can’t tell me otherwise. Not then, and not now. Just yesterday, I broke...

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Analogies. May 18th, 2017.

Analogies. May 18th, 2017.

Remember being in school growing up and thinking to yourself in the middle of a lesson, “Whyyyy the hell are they teaching me this? I’m never going to use this information outside of here.” I did that especially with math. “I want to be a journalist,” I thought. “I’m...

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Where it all started. May 17th, 2017.

Where it all started. May 17th, 2017.

I woke up to another sunny day on Wednesday, May 17th. Unbeknownst to me, I wasn’t appreciating it the way I should’ve been at the time. Instead of embracing the beauty of the city lit on fire by the sun’s rays, I groaned at the busy day ahead. I started to get ready...

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A Day at the Doctor with Dad

A Day at the Doctor with Dad

He wore a suit. It was gray and a little bigger on him than it should’ve been. He wore dress shoes. The kind that clacked against the floor as he paced the room. He was fidgety. Constantly checking his phone, or his watch, or poking me for fun. He wore his bluetooth...

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Writing is Like Diving into a Cold Ocean

Writing is Like Diving into a Cold Ocean

Writing has become like diving into a cold sea. Each time I open the computer, I feel a cool breeze on my face from the drifts of the waves. As I open the document I see the water slowly start to break at the shore. Typing the first words are the bitter ripples...

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