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Episode 59: Pregnancy After Loss and Messages From Above

Episode 59: Pregnancy After Loss and Messages From Above

Premonition can be both wildly exciting or anxiety inducing depending on what the message is. I’ve certainly felt both feelings over the past several months. On the heels of last week and resharing an episode about signs from loved ones, I’m sharing a couple more personal stories of life recently and the signs and messages that were presented to me. I detail my own journey with pregnancy and loss, how I’ve coped, allowing myself to feel the feels, why I felt angry with my dad, and messages from a medium!

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A Forever Engagement

A Forever Engagement

By Rachel Reichblum, @thatgoodgrief on Instagram and Twitter I can’t recommend a long engagement. A long engagement means more time to discuss flowers and the exact shade of purple you’re looking for on the cocktail bar accent arrangement. A long engagement means more...

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Understanding Children and Grief

Understanding Children and Grief

By Kat Reese: I think a lot about children and how they process change and loss. For eight years, I have worked with children during their grieving process whether it is because their home life was not ideal, they saw things that made them feel unsafe, or their lives...

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Grieving the Loss of Someone Who is Still Here

Grieving the Loss of Someone Who is Still Here

(Photo: Jessie and her mother, Dee, on her wedding day) BY JESSIE SLOMIANY I remember the moment I lost my mom. She was sitting in front of me, but she was gone. I had just told her that we decided to name our son after her dad, my grandfather. She stared at me...

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Losing Connections Through People and Things

Losing Connections Through People and Things

BY SAMANTHA COSTA My father died 12 years ago. TWELVE! Yikes. Recently, his best friend since childhood passed away. I wanted to attend the viewing and the funeral, but I was sick during that time. I thought about what it would have been like if I did go. Would they...

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